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British Values

Our knowledge based curriculum, wider enrichment programme and teaching and learning activities, fully promote Christian and British values. By doing so, we ensure that our learners understand the principles that have traditionally underpinned British society. 

We aim to prepare our pupils for life in the United Kingdom, where the population has an increasingly rich diversity of backgrounds, origins, beliefs and cultures. We do this by promoting the values on which our society has been built and supporting all within our school community to be positive and active citizens, embracing every chance to contribute well. Pupils are provided with excellent opportunities to learn about other faiths and to reflect on their relationships with others, the impact of which is seen in pupils’ respect for themselves and others and in the way they develop a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities.


  • We encourage every pupils to get involved with the running of their school and influence decision making e.g. School Council activities, House Captain events, Digital Leaders, Reading Ambassadors, fundraising and charity events etc.
  • Annual pupil questionnaire – analysed and shared with governors and staff so that we can act on feedback to further improve the school. This is published to pupils, parents and available on our website.
  • Parental & staff surveys, staff exit interviews, feedback from visitors and prospective parents, governance selection procedures, open door policy etc. encourages all stakeholders to participate in helping to shape the work of the school.

The Rule of Law

  • Pupils help establish their ‘class rules’ and this supports their understanding of the need for boundaries. These rules are revisited regularly and updated in response to the needs of each class group.
  • School rules are applied equally to everyone and pupils understand that they provide us with protection and help us take responsibility for our actions. They also help everyone understand that every action has a consequence and our behaviour affects those around us.
  • Our clear Behaviour Policy, based on a therapeutic approach, ensures expectations are understood and consistently applied. Children understand their rights and responsibility for the choices they make.

Individual Liberty

  • St Paul’s provides a safe and supportive environment, where we encourage children to be themselves and independent learners. Opportunities including emotional wellbeing activities and lessons are provided for children to nurture resilience, resourcefulness and perseverance.
  • Through our Vision Statement and ethos we teach respect for others and the right of each child to be treated with respect by others. Children understand bullying of any kind is not acceptable and know that it will be swiftly tackled when it occurs.
  • We provide regular guidance on how to make safe choices through e.g. staying safe on line activities and assemblies, anti-bullying week, Online Safety Day, visits from the Fire Service, swimming tuition, whole school worship activities, our PSRHE Curriculum and through the teaching of RE.

Mutual Respect

  • ‘One body, every person, growing together’, Jesus’ message, “Love one another, as I have loved you” and other scripture quotations are prominent in the life of the school. Mutual respect is a key component of our ethos and all pupils appreciate their importance, both in terms of their respect for others and from others.
  • Additional support opportunities for individual children including therapeutic interventions, counselling, Canine Assisted Learning and Nurture sessions help promote our ethos of care and kindness, respect and pride in oneself and in others and respect for the environment in which we live.
  • Assemblies celebrate the achievements of individuals, the whole school and also the staff. Headteacher and Deputy Heads Awards reinforce the importance we place on celebrating learner success.
  • All staff actively model respect for others and relationships with pupils are warm and caring. Respect is a theme that runs through assemblies and class worship sessions.
  • Regular fundraising and charitable activities help our pupils to contribute to and understand their role in supporting people within own community and further afield. The school actively supports a range of charities including Jeans for Genes, British Legion, Crisis, Comic Relief, Wade and the Wokingham Food Bank.

Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs

  • As a church school, through the RE curriculum and the wider spiritual life of St Paul’s, children are regularly reminded of their place within our culturally diverse society.
  • We actively celebrate diversity and equality with children taking part in assemblies and lessons which promote tolerance and understanding.
  • Our RE Curriculum provides pupils with an understanding of their own faith and an awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities.
  • Our pupils have the opportunity to visit a variety of different places of worship to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the customs and traditions of other faith groups.
  • Class and whole school worship promotes the diversity of society and the rights of each person to be treated equally regardless of their faith or beliefs. Opportunities for pupils from other faith denominations to practice their faith within the school day are fully supported.