Parent tours are now available to book via TicketSource on this link or see Key Information > Admissions on our home page below. Tour dates are: 2pm Wednesday 9th October; 9am Thursday 10th October; 9am Thursday 28th November; 2pm Friday 29th November.

Personal, Social, Relationships and Health Education (PSRHE)

At St Paul’s C of E Junior School, we believe all children are entitled to a curriculum that is broadly based, balanced and meets the needs of all of our pupils. Our PSRHE curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We teach Personal, Social, Relationships and Health Education (PSRHE) as a whole-school approach. It is underpinned by our school ethos and values and is at the heart of our curriculum. 

Below you will find related documents, including our PSRHE Policy. We welcome feedback from parents and encourage you to contact the school office if you have any questions or comments about our PSRHE Curriculum. 

If you wish to see the learning in more detail, you can request a 'Parent Access' letter from your child's class teacher which will provide you with a unique code to access the parent area on the Jigsaw website. There, you will be able to see lesson plans and slides for the units being taught in your child's year group.


Our PSRHE curriculum is designed to equip our children with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills that they need in order to reach their potential as individuals within the wider community. Our curriculum supports the core values held at St. Paul’s and ensures that pupils understand, accept and celebrate differences including beliefs, cultures, ethnicities and disabilities. By the time our children leave us in Year 6, we want them to be prepared for the next stage in their education and for adolescence. Our curriculum reflects this aim by providing children with the knowledge and skills they need to make positive relationships; keep themselves safe; understand their own identity and self-worth and how to be resilient to any challenges they may face.

Our PSRHE curriculum also increases knowledge and understanding of the British Values - democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs and therefore prepares our children for life in modern Britain as global citizens.

At St Paul’s C of E Junior School, we have designed our PSRHE curriculum with the intent that our children will: 

  • Practise and enhance the skills associated with emotional literacy in order to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they may encounter throughout life 
  • Understand how to keep themselves healthy (both physically and mentally), safe and prepared for life in modern Britain.
  • Develop the social skills required to recognise and form positive, caring and respectful relationships.


At St Paul’s, we have chosen to deliver Personal, Social, Relationships and Health Education using a commercial scheme of work entitled ‘Jigsaw’, which is a mindful approach to PSRHE. It is a comprehensive and age-appropriate scheme of work that fulfils the statutory guidance for Relationships and Health Education. The curriculum is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (puzzle) at the same time at their own level. Key skills and knowledge are built upon each year to ensure progression across the key stage. All PSRHE lessons provide opportunities for ‘calm time’ and we encourage children to reflect upon their learning using ‘pause points’. Through the use of our ‘Jigsaw Charter’, we emphasise the importance of taking turns, listening to others, being respectful and using kind and positive words during our discussions.


Through our mindful approach to PSRHE, we nurture the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of our children. Pupils are happy at school and make positive contributions to the well-being of those around them.

By the time our children leave us in Year 6, they will:

  • Accept and celebrate difference and diversity
  • Understand, recognise and manage their wide range of emotions
  • Recognise the importance of looking after their own physical and mental health
  • Be able to form healthy relationships with others and identify positive ways to deal with disagreements
  • Approach a range of real-life situations, equipped with the skills they need to navigate through modern life
  • Understand how bodies change and the physical aspects of RSE at an age appropriate level