Parent tours are now available to book via TicketSource on this link or see Key Information > Admissions on our home page below. Tour dates are: 2pm Wednesday 9th October; 9am Thursday 10th October; 9am Thursday 28th November; 2pm Friday 29th November.

Headteacher's Welcome

I am immensely proud to be the Headteacher of this very special school.  

We believe every pupil is unique and it is our privilege to welcome your child into our school family. As a Church school you will find we are a caring community; we value one another and recognise the special contribution each person makes. Our aim is to teach children to appreciate learning as a life long experience and pupil well-being is our highest priority.

We are a friendly school with a terrific team of staff and governors who do their utmost in the best interests of the children. Relationships are a crucial motivating force in our school; everything we achieve is down to the strong sense of teamwork that permeates all that we do.

We see parents as partners with the same common goal as ourselves: trying to bring up polite, confident young human beings with the academic and social skills needed to succeed in later life.

We welcome visits and hold regular open events to enable you to see our happy, vibrant school at work.

Julieanne Taylor
