We have some places available for Year 3 children in September 2024. If you are new to the area and thinking of St Paul’s School for your child, please contact admissions@wokingham.gov.uk as they deal with all admissions to our school.


In May 2016, we were judged to be 'Outstanding' in our Church School Inspection (SIAMS):

'"St Paul’s Junior School provides a very positive learning environment where pupils are proud to belong, feel valued and achieve well. It is an inclusive, friendly school where relationships between children and staff are excellent. The Christian character of the school has a significant impact on the academic standards, personal development and wellbeing of all pupils, who make good progress across the year groups. For instance, In 2015, 91% of pupils achieved the expected level or above at the end of Key Stage 2 assessments. Pupils are nurtured academically and personally because the school provides the best learning opportunities." Inspection Report May 2016.

We are proud to be a church school. We are a worshipping community and the spiritual life of our school is very important. 
We have very close links with the parish church, St Paul's.  Fr. Richard, regularly visits school, leading worship and helping with the delivery of RE. He is also our Vice Chair of Governors and works hard to support all aspects of our work and the school community.
We celebrate all major Christian Festivals, such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest with a special service in church. We give thanks and celebrate the contribution that our Year 6 pupils have made during their time at our school by holding a very special Leavers' Service at the end of the Summer Term. We also take tours of the church and the graveyard as part of our local history studies.