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Our Curriculum Vision

At St Paul’s, our intent is that we deliver a well–sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum based on the principles that:

·         Knowledge is valued and specified;

·         Knowledge is well-sequenced;

·         Knowledge is taught to be remembered.

Our curriculum content is carefully chosen and sequenced in meaningful ways that enable children to make progress from unit to unit, term to term and year to year. Each subject is valued and taught discreetly enabling children to develop a deep understanding and love of each discipline. Appropriate links between different subject areas enable children to make meaningful connections and careful sequencing ensures that children learn knowledge which underpins content they will be exposed to later on.

We endeavour to reflect our school community through our curriculum: we do this through including local history, geography and other relevant local subject content. We think carefully about powerful knowledge which is relevant to our local context and ensure that Fundamental British Values and themes of equality and diversity are woven through our curriculum in meaningful and relevant ways. We are mindful of whose stories we tell and seek to ensure that the diversity of our school family is reflected through the rich and interesting knowledge we teach.

Our curriculum goal is that our children are well-prepared for the next step in their education and equipped with resilience, confidence and self-belief. We want them to be ambitious in their aspirations and carry forward a depth of knowledge and understanding about the world within which they live, showing tolerance, respect for themselves and others and for democracy, the rule of law, and individual liberty. Our aim for our pupils is that they leave St Paul’s as happy, thoughtful, well-rounded individuals who can make a positive contribution to society.

Our Curriculum Promise

We aspire to provide the very best education because our children deserve nothing less.

 We promise to:

  • Make learning irresistible through the design of an inclusive curriculum that is relevant and memorable;
  • lgnite curiosity, instilling a passion for lifelong learning;
  • Support and challenge in the right measure so pupils develop resilience and perseverance;
  • Ensure curriculum planning is focused and precise, covering key areas of knowledge and skills within and across different subjects;
  • Deliver a curriculum that leads to academic success, building skills year on year;
  • Equip children with a range of strategies that provide access to learning in a variety of ways;
  • Guide children in how to live a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally;
  • Underpin the curriculum with our core values - the cornerstones of respectful, global citizenship.

As part of our commitment to meeting the promises we have made to our pupils, we regularly review our curriculum, looking in detail at its content, structure and impact on the quality of teaching and learning, and at the relevance of the topics through which our curriculum subjects are taught.

Following the successful implementation of new schemes of work for Science, Art, DT, Geography and History last year, we are now implementing new schemes of work for Music and Latin. 

We invite parents to find out more about our curriculum at our autumn term Curriculum Information Evening and at our Curriculum Celebration events each term.
For any further enquiries, please contact our Curriculum Lead, Mrs Tritton, via