
The Timings of the School Day

The length of the school week is 33.2 hours. This meets the DfE expectation that, by September 2023 at the latest, all state-funded, mainstream schools will be expected to provide a compulsory school week of at least 32.5 hours.

 School gates, at the Murray Road entrance, open at 8:30am and close at  8:40am.

  • Registration takes place no later than 8:50am.
  • Morning break is 20 minutes long and our lunch break is 1 hour long, starting at 12:30pm. The  length of both of these breaks is included in the compulsory length of the school day.
  • The school day ends at 3:30pm. Children are to be collected promptly from the playground, entering via the Murray Road gates and following the one-way system.