Parent tours are now available to book via TicketSource on this link or see Key Information > Admissions on our home page below. Tour dates are: 2pm Wednesday 9th October; 9am Thursday 10th October; 9am Thursday 28th November; 2pm Friday 29th November.

Pupil Premium

'If the focus is on ambitious, excellent outcomes for every individual learner, narrowing the gap is a by-product.' (John Dunford, National Pupil Premium Champion)

The primary aim of our school is to ensure that all children have access to every aspect of the school’s provision to help them attain the highest possible standards of progress and achievement, in relation to their individual starting points. Every effort is made to ensure all pupils make excellent progress and to do so, some children may require additional support and resources from time to time.

The school is allocated additional funding in the form of the Pupil Premium Grant. This is used to support the learning, development and achievement of some of our most vulnerable children. 

Details of the funding allocation can be found in the document below, with information about how we used our the previous year's allocation to support learning and progress.