We have some places available for Year 3 children in September 2024. If you are new to the area and thinking of St Paul’s School for your child, please contact admissions@wokingham.gov.uk as they deal with all admissions to our school.

Wednesday 18th October

Most children had a good night's sleep last night, apart from one group of eager beavers who were up, dressed and ready to go at 2.30am this morning! I am pleased to say that staff talked them back into going to bed and they were soon fast asleep.
Everyone was up bright and early this morning and fuelled up with a hearty breakfast. Some even managed 3 separate courses, cereal, cooked breakfast, toast and fruit. Behaviour continues to be outstanding and by the time they had eaten, the children were raring to get onto today's activities.
The food at Liddington is excellent, as you can see from the photos, and there is an extensive menu at every mealtime. The centre used to be a hotel and so the facilities, including bedrooms, are of a high standard.
Each group will complete two of the following activities before the next pit stop at the restaurant:
- Canoeing
- Giant Swing
- Buggy Building
- Fencing
- Zip Wire
- Vertical Challenge


Giant Swing - harnessed into a two seater swing which the rest of the group haul up to 10m high. It is up to each pair of passengers as to how high they want to go before pulling the release cord and hurtling down towards the ground, before swinging up again towards the sky. This activity is described as breath-taking!

Zip Wire - Once at the top of the zip wire platform, pupils are securely attached to the overhead wire before making their flight across the sky! Their route may take them through a forest or even over a lake. It’s a hugely exhilarating experience that requires personal courage and determination – it pushes most children beyond their natural comfort zone. It’s also a chance for the rest of the group to offer support and encouragement.

Vertical Challenge - The children are harnessed and instructed on how to belay each other, before making their way up a vertical course of suspended obstacles that includes climbing walls, cargo nets, crates and ropes. The Vertical Challenge develops physical skills as well as transferable skills including climbing, communication, cooperation and lots of group support.

More photos have just arrived!
After fuelling up on a large lunch, the children were back off out to a wet and breezy afternoon of activities. It will take more than a little bit of rain to put the children off and despite the wet conditions, they are throwing themselves into every task with considerable energy and enthusiasm!
More news later.
A very wet afternoon and both staff and pupils were completely soaked by the end of the second activity. The washing machines of Wokingham need to be on stand-by as there is some serious laundry heading their way.
Everyone is in good spirits and staff from another school congratulated Team St Paul's on their excellent behaviour in the dining hall - quite the accolade!
This evening will be a dry one as it is Movie Night and Y6 stocked up on sweets and snacks when they visited the shop earlier.
More news tomorrow.
Mrs Taylor